Anxiety Free Maths Tuition

Is your child too anxious to actually work with a maths tutor?

As a maths tutor, who works with numerous students who are not in school, I have experienced increasing numbers of students who are too anxious to work with myself or any other tutors. This is completely understandable, as one to one tuition can be intense, particularly for a student who is anxious about interacting with a teacher. Whereas in a classroom they can try and fade into the background amongst the 30+ other students, that isn't possible when the lesson is one-to-one.

I have found that working online with a student can really help to ease this anxiety. We are not in the same room together and the nature of it being online can greatly reduce the anxiety. In fact I have many students, who I work online with, who do not suffer with anxiety, and they say they prefer it to in person tuition.

With online lessons we have the option to keep the cameras off and the lessons can simply be myself and the student talking through microphones and drawing on the shared online whiteboard.

So if your child is anxious about maths and you feel that online tuition could work for them I offer a free trial lesson to any student who is interested.

What about students who can't cope with online maths tuition?

I have many students who find online maths tuition too much to cope with and refuse to join the lessons. 

Again this is understandable. If you have anxiety around your learning or specifically with learning maths, online tuition can still be a step too far.

This has led me to develop a style of teaching that doesn't involve any direct interaction between myself and the student. 

I set these students maths work to do and they (or their parents) email me back their work.

I will then record a video of myself going over their work and explaining any mistakes they may or may not have made. 

I then explain the following weeks' work, set new work and email all of this back to the student or parent.

This process has allowed many students I work with to still continue to learn without having to directly interact with me in a live lesson. 

Some of my students have then felt confident enough to begin doing the lessons online with me.

If this sounds like something you feel your child would benefit from please get in contact with me and we discuss your child's needs.

The video below explains this in more detail.