Hi, I'm Kenneth Stafford

I teach maths to students of all ages an abilities.

I have a proven track record with helping students get the grades they need.

Are you looking for a maths tutor for your child because of one or more of the following reasons:

Maybe your child has started struggling with maths.

They used to enjoy maths but they no longer do.

They’re not making the progress they should be and school are concerned.

Homework is a struggle and is causing arguments at home.

They are falling behind their classmates and are feeling anxious about this.

They want to drop down a set.

An important exam rapidly approaching and it doesn’t look like they will get the result they need.

Your child has never loved maths.

I can help

There are lots of reasons why your child might be struggling with maths and getting a maths tutor will nearly always be the solution that works for your child.

I would love to help. I have helped thousands of students already (yes thousands - I did the maths). 

This is how I can help your child:

Well firstly, I’m a maths tutor and a good maths tutor will help solve most of these problems. 

A great maths tutor will solve all of these problems.

And an outstanding maths tutor will solve:

What I believe makes my tuition outstanding.

I have numerous reviews to support this. 

You can find out more about me, my career and credentials here.

You can watch videos of me teaching and decide for yourself. 

You can skip all this and book a free trial lesson for your child.